If you’ve been paying attention to the TinMan London pages, you would have seen our post several weeks ago: “LEVI’S® – #MAKEOURMARK // #MOVES PART 1“. Three respected creatives: Ghostpoet, Koreless and Alex Turvey teamed up and fused their individual masterminded talents into one, a blend of exciting wordplay, captivating sound and highlighting visuals, as part of the Levi’s® #MakeOurMark project, answering Levi’s® question ‘What Moves You?’.
As a result of the trios creative processes, the artistic short film was delivered to us last week, on the evening of October 9th, 2013, an occasion that saw us visit the Oval Space, East London for the showcase event. The end result of the collectives 6 weeks hard work, saw them premiere their visual. Available to enjoy below, the story shows how urban and rural worlds collide, with the creative processes that truly epitomise a pioneering spirit.
Part 2 of the webisode is now readily available too! Watch how Ghostpoet, Koreless and Alex Turvey got their creative juices flowing..
For more info on the project visit http://www.levi.com/makeourmark/london