
Levi’s®, will proudly unveil a groundbreaking new project this week in London, one that will explore and uncover the motivations and the inspirations of true creative ambition by taking “A Journey To The Modern Frontier”.

We take a look at the talented trio who have been handed responsibility of delivering a unique and totally original experience! London lyricist Ghostpoet has been tasked with the wordplay, producer Koreless has been busy hitting the boards, and Alex Turvey has been given the responsibility of serving up an almighty visual! The trio have been working independently, collectively – and with their fans online, in a bid to create an immersive experience which will push the spirit of discovery.

Throughout the process, the collaborators have be drawing from online audiences for inspiration, asking fans to share “what moves them” via social media through the hashtags #makeourmark #moves and tweeting @Levis. Words, images and video, these have all filtered into the process. But its still not too late to have your say!

What the results of the project will hold, only the collaborators know. The piece will draw from their experience and unique approaches across the fields of literature, visual art and music – with each person steering a part of the ship.

Explore the creative processes of Koreless, Ghostpoet and Alex Turvey  below!

What will happen at this weeks final event? You can shape the future..

You can still Tweet @Levi’s and let them know what “moves” you! Get involved and be heard through sharing you own wise words, images and video now! Be part of this unique project and get hash-tagging: #makeourmark #moves 

See how your contributions have shaped the end product…More news via TML real soon! To attend the showcase event in London on Wednesday, RSVP or for more info head to MakeOurMark and get involved!!


Images courtesy of Emily Hope Photography