Kieren Gallear, aka DELS is a new bread of rapper. And by this we mean he isn’t the type of musician who just seeks to make music. He endeavor’s to create art.
Celebrating the release of his recent album Petals Have Fallen, DELS has released a special performance, of him performing in an old tunnel shaft, conveniently positioned underneath Brunel Museum. If that wasn’t enough, DELS took a string quartet, vocalist Kerry Leatham and a film crew from You Need To Hear This to filter and capture the whole event.
You Need To Hear This is a project brought to us by Philips and Noisey, investigating the evolution in music and innovation in sound.
DELS’ video is a winner on so many levels, displaying musical innovation and fluidity that we can’t help but put our thumbs up to! Nice work Dels x You Need To Hear This.
Philips and Noisey have also partnered to bring the new Citiscape range of headphones. Check em’ out at: