Solo artist Brad Sucks has just released his third album, ‘Guess Who’s a Mess’ and he takes a much more electronically inspired route but his distinctive vocals and melodies remain obvious. The album should please old fans as well as people who have only just discovered him as it is quite diverse. His musical influences are still quite clear, but more importantly the influences his life has on his music are there to.These real life influences are perhaps what make his first two album for me. It is almost as if he speaks to you directly through the tones he produces. This is still the case in the new album but sadly it isn’t quite to the same extent. Nevertheless, his vocals and lyrics are very sharp and the album really does grow on you. He certainly has made some fantastic music. As well as listening to this new album, I highly recommend you check out the older ones to, as they are absolute gems. Have a listen to one of my favorite tracks, The First Thing About Me, from his new album below.