Perfect Your Shaving Prep with Foreo’s LUNA 2

the luna 2 cleansing device

Man’s obsession with the beard is officially dwindling. Jump on the tube and you’ll notice that more fashion savvy British men are shirking their previously trendy face fur in favour of a fresh-faced appearance.

With this facial hair switch up in mind, there are several simple steps that most men will follow when seeking to achieve a smooth irritation-free shave. They are:
• Shaving after a shower
• Using a sharp blade
• A good shaving cream

For some men this isn’t enough, the simple routine still leaves them with shaving bumps and irritation. Look to Foreo’s LUNA 2 facial cleansing device for the solution.

FOREO LUNA 2 for MenThe innovative LUNA 2 is crafted from non-abrasive silicone and supports man’s cleaning and pre-shaving regime in just 1- minute. Powered by T-Sonic™ pulsations it helps remove dirt and oil, smoothing your skin in prep for what might just be your best shave in a long while. If that wasn’t enough it will also help invigorate your skin and improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Prevention is better than cure, even if you haven’t hit that stage!

While it’s a thought-worthy investment at £125, we really like that it’s perfectly sized for travel and never needs a replacement brush head. Use daily with any facial wash, with the exception of exfoliators or scrubs for a noticeable healthier complexion.

Available now at Foreo