Coffee & Cake @ Maison d’être, Islington

maison detre
Just across the road from Highbury and Islington tube station, you’ll find a perfect little place to grab a coffee and a bite to eat. Introducing Maison d’être, a favoured local hangout for all ages.

Maison d’être might be small, but it encompasses everything that an ideal café should: the staff are friendly, the décor is light and quirky, with vintage crockery, repurposed jam jars and antique furniture, and (most importantly of all!) they do a top-notch coffee! What’s more, their cakes are delicious (we dare you to step in there and not be tempted). With food freshly prepared on site, theres also an element of artistic craft, in the way that food is presented. The café comprises of two rooms: a smaller, usually usually busier front roomand a slightly roomier conservatory space at the back.

cap_1_by Daniel Faro

Image © Daniel Farò

The name ‘maison d’être’- a French play on words, combining the expression ‘raison d’être’, literally meaning ‘reason for existence’ (the one thing that is the most important to an individual), and the word ‘maison’, meaning house or home- beautifully sums up the spirit of the café: a home away from home where you can enjoy the things that really matter in life: namely, coffee, tea and cake!

back_room_by Daniel Faro

Image © Daniel Farò

Because of the location (and, of course, just how good their coffees and cakes are), Maison d’être can get crowded very quickly, so at peak times you’ll be lucky to get a seat. Even at its busiest, however, it remains intimate and relaxing enough to be able to sit and read a book or have an afternoon catch-up with a friend.

Maison d’être
154 Canonbury Road
N1 2UP
Nearest Train Station: Highbury and Islington (2-minute walk)

Mon – Friday 7.30am until 7pm
Sat- Sunday – 9am until 6pm

How much?
Avg. price of a coffee £2.40
Avg. price of a slice of cake: £2.00

For more info, visit: